About us
Ryan T Compton
President & CEO
Certified Asbestos Consultant
Certified Lead Inspector
Ryan Compton is responsible for the day-to-day operations and oversight of HMA’s office and field operations. He is a Certified Asbestos Consultant and Lead Inspector/Assessor. Ryan Compton has over ten years experience with building inspections and project design and has successfully completed over a thousand environmental projects.
Scott Compton
Certified Asbestos Consultant
Certified Lead Inspector
Scott Compton began his career in the Safety & Environmental field in 1968, founded HMA in 1986 and is a Certified Asbestos Consultant and Lead Inspector/Assessor. Scott Compton has over fifty years experience in Environmental Safety and Health fields and has successfully completed thousands of environmental projects since the corporation began in 1986. Scott has served on legislative commities regarding asbestos and is an instructor for the asbestos certification program at UC Berkeley. Scott has also served as an expert witness in over forty environmental cases.

Certified Asbestos, Lead & Mold Consultants
30 years in the field
Reputable Industry Leaders
Since 1986 HMA Hazardous Materials Assessment has established itself as one of the most respected Environmental Health consulting firms in the Western United States, specializing in building inspections and testing for asbestos, lead and mold. Our staff of Certified Asbestos consultants and Certified Lead inspector/assessors have successfully completed over 10,000 projects.
Since it’s inception, HMA has provided assistance to building owners providing building inspections, developing and maintaining building specific asbestos management plans, asbestos abatement plans and specifications.
HMA’s Certified Lead Inspectors provide lead paint inspections prior to renovations, and lead risk assessments for private homes, buildings, schools, and hospitals.
HMA provides mold testing, and remediation protocols for large and small residential and commercial buildings by qualified mold inspectors.
HMA is a California Corporation, and information at this website relates to EPA and Cal-OSHA standards applicable to the San Francisco Bay Area. Local Regulations in your area may vary.
HMA Consultants are certified/accredited by the State of California (see Qualifications). Independent laboratories used for sample analysis are NVLAP and/or DPH accredited and have appropriate certifications and licensing for the State of California.
HMA is an environmental consulting firm, not a regulatory agency. Check with your physician or attorney for medical or legal issues.