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Bulk Sample Submission for Analysis
As a courtesy service to our clients we can arrange for analytical laboratory testing of samples. In cases where an on-site inspection is neither needed nor warranted, but there is a question of possible asbestos content in a material, or lead content in paint, you can simply send us a sample; we will select a qualified NVLAP and/or AIHA accredited laboratory, have the appropriate testing conducted (PLM for asbestos; Flame Atomic Absorbtion for Lead in Paint), contact you with results, and provide a follow-up written report.

Normal turnaround time for Asbestos samples is three to five (3-5) business days (exclusive of holidays & weekends) from the time we receive the sample. Normal turnaround time for Lead Paint samples is three to five (3-5) business days (exclusive of holidays & weekends) from the time we receive the sample.

Written report will normally be issued the day results are received from the laboratory.

Cost is US$60.00 per sample (except layered roofing, which is US$120.00 per sample)

Hazardous Materials Assessment, Inc

25613 Dollar Street, Suite 2, Hayward, CA 94544

(510) 638-4801


Credit Cards excepted

​© 2015 by Design by Dana Davis


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